HanNah Peschar Sculpture Garden
The Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden has been proudly exhibiting contemporary sculpture in a unique and magical environment for nearly 40 years
The zenith is an imaginary point directly "above" a particular location, on the imaginary celestial sphere. “Above" means in the vertical direction opposite to the gravity direction at that location. The zenith is the "highest" point on the celestial sphere.
Zenith Draws inspiration from depictions of celestial body’s down the ages from ancient Mesopotamia to modern day.
From Gods and goddesses to ufos the drama of the heavens had been recorded filling the heavens in a myriad of ways and from this vast reserve of imagery I drew the inspiration to creat zenith.
‘Ascension’ Ascending bodhisattvas are heroic beings who dare to let go of familiar ground and climb the ladder of infinity. They are Buddhas in the making who vow to pass through the door of Nirvana only after everyone else has entered first. The crux of Zen meditation practice consists of turning our own light inward. It is the most direct way to forget the self, but this can be done successfully only if it is based on the aspiration of an ascending bodhisattva. We bore deeper and deeper through layers of delusion until we get to the essence of our being and the whole world suddenly lights up in all its true colours.The story of Jacob’s Ladder is an ancient allegorical biblical tale, describing the alchemical process of reaching complete Gnosis, or what some may call Sainthood, Buddhahood or enlightenment.
A symbolic ladder that we all must climb if we wish to reach the spiritual heights of the divine in the heavens while we are encased in physical matter here on earth. As we climb, we must purify ourselves, our thoughts, habits and actions, so that we may reach that seventh and final step of our ascent, in order to activate all of our seven senses.
Homer described Jacob’s Ladder as Jupiter’s chain reaching from heaven to earth. In Babylonia, Ishtar descended through the seven gates
which led into the depths of the underworld. The ladder of the Mithras led to seven stages of initiation. Hellenistic Jewish philosopher Philo Judaeus, born in Alexandria (d. ca. 50 CE) wrote; “The angels represent souls descending to and ascending from bodies’
‘Stealth’ We are ancient transhumainists; we have always sought to transcend the boundaries of what it means to be human, from ‘Lion Man’ to body augmentation and flight. ‘Stealth’ through the medium of oak and steel, explores the theory that language evolved out of the communication of tool making several million years ago and that from the ancient fire hardened wood spear to stealth drones we have sought to expand the boundaries of technology.