Almanaque Fotográfica - CDMX - April-May 2023

SOL BAILEY BARKER, sculpture. UK & TYLER GOLDFLOWER, photographer, US

The concept of ‘Conversations with rocks’ is an idea that came to me during the first lockdown I was happy to find a collaborator in Tyler to document my ritual performances.

I sit in my garden with my plants, contemplating the sentience of animals and rocks. I listen to the rock, the rock hums at 7.83 hertz, we can think of it like the Earth’s heartbeat. This frequency is the electromagnetic field that surrounds and protects all living things.

The body of work considers both the sentience of the inanimate and the strength and vulnerability of the human form.

A collaboration between artist Sol Bailey Barker and fine art photographer Tyler Goldflower. Over the period of six weeks Tyler and sol would head out every day to find isolated locations in which sol would carry out a series of gestural rituals in conversation with rocks and Tyler would capture them on 35 mm film.